Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Transcription: 1/28/06 Goat Island Workshop Writing Exercises


( I am asked to describe my self in an a motion, actual or imaginary, possible or impossible.)

(My initial entry is a drawing resembling wood grain or cellular tissues of the brain drawn diagonally across the page)

As I sit, never still, the same place
is always different, made different.
I swell, I start, I bur, I jump
in my skin and leave memories
of myself in my container, my
atmosphere. I twitch and
pulsate, I sweep, I am striking
out in extensions of my movement

(I am now asked to describe an unexpected interruption of this movement)

(there is a small letter sized scribble and “I” scratched out by a 11/2 in. long scratch. Also, written lightly and diagonally over the above text is “VIBRATE”)

A swift turn and my
movement sinks quickly
into me like escaping
octopi. A streak
of the …

(this is where the drawing interrupts the text, the following is written diagonally, below the drawing)

…head meets with the bold streak of another. My eyes
fly from behind me and enter unto their rightful place
then exceed it and streak. My heads turns sideways
on a vertical axes, cocked. The eyes vibrate. I throw my
head into a space and as it plummets back towards me
my neck catches up with it and I am hurled, I return
to my undulation, My frequency shrieketh.
I wrap around. I am forceful, I glide
with a curving upward thrust and
steam with my reaction. A
strong wavering follows my
head in it’s motions.
( I am now asked to write about an occurrence that is the opposite of the previous accounts as one)

(I scratch a line below the previous text, below which is an arrow pointing right, below which is written “over” The following is on the backside page of the above, written horizontally)

A slow rush is gathered up in my (small scratch)
possession, in my gait’s perception (below this is written in parentheses, “Posession?) (small scratch)
I sink, soft-crushing in to the crop, my crop, where glowing embers
(below the “e” of “embers” is written in parentheses, “a”. below the “s” in “embers” is written in parentheses, “ / ”) lay and I am liquid upon this.
(I am now asked to write about an interaction with a stranger, I make no evident interruption between the entries)
on the outward side of our shell, there’s
a crunching and smooshing of ground,
bodyweight liking a gravitational
ends to a means. This is an outsider,
No face to us. We are Splashing,
the embers and I, in a soft, creamy
warmth, a grasping union, a layer
of sweat.

( I am then asked to write a question, an answer, a date, a time, and a place as a reactions to the total of the above writings. The question and answer arre to be derived from the text, the rest may or may not reference the occrunses accounted for in the text)

Q: Why doth my frequency shreiketh?

A: a grasping union, a layer of sweat

(scribbled out is “Sep” followed by) Sept. 25. 3:30am
halfway above and
below the ocean,
sky and sea both
known to us.


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